Everyone has a favourite bag and just like shoes you can never have enough. Our brand ambassadors are passionate about bags and key members of the OID family. We continually strive to provide the best possible form and function for all of our products.The OID "family" ensure our bags are thoroughly tested to be Original Intelligent Designs.
Our OID " family" inspire us to create bags that they enjoy using . The feedback they provide is vital , our bags not only look great but they work plus protect valuable tech and equipment.The Everyday multi functional skateboard bag has become the choice of many professional skateboarders worldwide.
Our family of skateboarders is growing and the reviews received from the Trade press have been fantastic. News of the success of this bag spread fast and "everyday" we send our bags to skateboarders around the planet .
As a skater owned company we are also proud to supply many of the best skateshops . For wholesale enquiries please contact info@oidltd.com.